Frequently Asked Questions

Ordering and delivery

Are the prices on your website inclusive or exclusive of VAT?

All prices on our website are shown including VAT and excluding VAT. This applies to the prices on the product page, in the shopping cart and on the invoice.

As a Belgian business customer, is it possible to purchase from the webshop without VAT?

No, unfortunately it is not possible to purchase without VAT. You will receive an invoice showing the Belgian VAT.

What is the status of my order?

You will receive a confirmation with invoice when the order has been completed. As soon as the order is shipped, you will receive an email with a track and trace code.

This allows you to view the shipping status of your order. Please note that it can sometimes take a while before the track and trace code works.

Will you be charged for shipping?

Shipping costs will be charged for orders under €100. The costs may differ per country and can be found on this page.

We do not charge shipping costs for orders over €100.

Netherlands: 6.95 via DHL
Belgium: 6.95 via DHL

How quickly will I receive my order?

We do everything we can to get your order to you as quickly as possible. That is why we apply the rule: Ordered before 10:00 PM on working days, shipped the same day.

This usually means that the order will be delivered the next day. Sometimes this may differ due to the busyness of the parcel service, but unfortunately we cannot do anything about this.

Order during the weekend

If you place your order after 10:00 PM on Friday evening or during the weekend, it will be shipped on Sunday evening. This usually means that the order will be delivered on Monday.

Wie is de vervoerder van Cratex pro line?

Wij werken in zowel Nederland als België samen met DHL als vervoerder. Voor het retour zenden van een bestelling kan je ook gebruikmaken van een DHL-label. Vanwege onze samenwerking is dit doorgaans goedkoper dan wanneer je zelf via DHL of een andere vervoerder het retourpakket verzend.

What happens if I am not at home when my order is delivered?

You can change the delivery address to a parcel point or give permission to place your order somewhere around the house or with the neighbors via the track and trace code of the delivery service.

If you do not do this and the parcel service cannot deliver the order, it will often still be taken to a parcel point or offered again the next day.

My Track and Trace says that the package has been delivered, but I have not received anything?

We would like to ask you to wait an extra two days. We often see that your package is still delivered.

Isn't that the case? Please contact us at

Can I pick up my online order in a physical store?

No, items purchased online cannot be picked up in a physical store.

Can i cancel my order?

No, it is not possible to cancel an order. Orders are automatically processed by our systems and cannot be canceled after payment. You can return your order after receiving it.

Can I place a larger order?

That's certainly possible. We have set a maximum order quantity per product to ensure that the available stock is not immediately purchased. Would you like to order a larger quantity? Send an email to


Can I return my order?

At Cratex pro line we have a return period of 14 days. You can feel, try on and view the products at home as in a physical store, but then return and package them neatly as you received them.

Our boxer shorts are considered a hygiene product . You may not break the seal on these products, otherwise the right to return will lapse.

How do returns work?

Returns can be registered online via our returns portal . You can log in to this portal with your order number and email address or zip code.

Indicate in this portal which products from your order you want to return and follow the steps in the portal.

What are the return costs?

If you want to return a product, the return costs are in principle at your expense.

You can print a DHL returns label via the returns portal:

  • The transport costs for returns from the Netherlands are €4.95
  • The transport costs for returns from Belgium are €5.95

The return costs will be deducted from the refund after processing the return.

You can also send the package yourself with a parcel service of your choice. The costs for this are for the customer.

Can I also exchange or return at the physical store?

No, you can only exchange and return the products you buy online via the website.

What is the status of my return?

You can track the status of your return via our returns portal . To log in you need your order number and email address or zip code. If you have returned your order, you can check via your carrier's track and trace whether the return shipment has been sent or delivered.

I have returned an item, when will I receive my purchase price back?

When returning an item, we assess whether the item meets our return conditions. If this is the case, we will accept the return and refund the outstanding return amount as soon as possible, but at least within 14 working days. You will be informed of this by email.

Wat is het wettelijke herroepingsrecht?

U heeft het recht om binnen een termijn van 14 dagen zonder opgave van redenen de
overeenkomst te herroepen. De herroepingstermijn verstrijkt 14 dagen na de dag waarop u of een door u aangewezen derde, die niet de vervoerder is, het goed fysiek in bezit krijgt. Om het herroepingsrecht uit te oefenen, moet u ons via een ondubbelzinnige verklaring (bijvoorbeeld schriftelijk, per post, fax of e-mail) op de hoogte stellen de overeenkomst te herroepen.

U kunt hiervoor gebruikmaken van het modelformulier voor herroeping, maar bent hiertoe niet verplicht. Om de herroepingstermijn na te leven volstaat het om uw mededeling
betreffende uw uitoefening van het herroepingsrecht te verzenden voordat de herroepingstermijn is verstreken.

Gevolgen van de herroeping

Als u de overeenkomst herroept, ontvangt u alle betalingen die u tot op dat moment heeft gedaan, inclusief leveringskosten (met uitzondering van eventuele extra kosten ten gevolge van uw keuze voor een andere wijze van levering dan de door ons geboden goedkoopste standaard levering) onverwijld en in ieder geval niet later dan 14 dagen nadat wij op de hoogte zijn gesteld van uw beslissing de overeenkomst te herroepen, van ons terug. Indien u slechts een deel van uw bestelling retour stuurt dan worden de kosten voor levering niet teruggestort.

Wij betalen u terug met hetzelfde betaalmiddel als waarmee u de oorspronkelijke transactie heeft verricht, tenzij u uitdrukkelijk anderszins heeft ingestemd; in ieder geval zullen u voor zulke terugbetaling geen kosten in rekening worden gebracht. Wij mogen wachten met terugbetaling tot wij de goederen hebben teruggekregen, of u heeft aangetoond dat u de goederen heeft teruggezonden, al naar gelang welk tijdstip eerst valt.

U dient de goederen onverwijld, doch in ieder geval niet later dan 14 dagen na de dag waarop u het besluit de overeenkomst te herroepen aan ons heeft medegedeeld, aan ons terug te zenden of te overhandigen. U bent op tijd als u de goederen terugstuurt voordat de termijn van 14 dagen is verstreken. De directe kosten van het terugzenden van de goederen komen voor uw rekening.

Ons retouradres

Promese c/o Cratex pro line returns

Flight Forum 2500, 5657DZ Eindhoven


U bent alleen aansprakelijk voor de waardevermindering van de goederen die het gevolg is van het gebruik van de goederen, dat verder gaat dan nodig is om de aard, de kenmerken en de werking van de goederen vast te stellen.

Warranty and repair

What is the warranty on Cratex pro line?

All Cratex pro line items come with a warranty against production errors. This of course only applies if the complained of item is used correctly. Warranty claims can be submitted by email to with a clear complaint description and a photo of the problem. Please also include your name and invoice number so that we can check the warranty period. We will then assess whether there is indeed a production error.

User errors and signs of wear are excluded from the warranty. Complaints that fall outside the warranty period will not be processed.

What should I do if my product is broken?

If the product is damaged within two weeks of purchase, you can register your product for return via our returns portal . Is your product broken after the 14-day return period? Send an email to with a clear complaint description and a photo of the problem. Please also include your name and invoice number so that we can check the warranty period. We will then assess whether there is indeed a production error.

User errors and signs of wear are excluded from the warranty. Complaints that fall outside the warranty period will not be processed

I received my product damaged, what now?

This is of course not the intention. In this case, go to our returns portal . You can then indicate that an incorrect or damaged product has been received and return your product.

Sizes and size charts

How do I know my outerwear size?

We think it is important that the size you order is really the right size. Since there are differences between the different garments, we have added a size chart to each product.

Measuring the chest circumference

The chest circumference is the widest part of the chest. This is often near the nipples.

  1. Wrap a measuring tape around your back and pass it under your arms
  2. At the front, place the ribbon over the widest part of your chest. Make sure the ribbon is straight around the body
  3. Do not tighten the ribbon but leave it loosely around the body
  4. The measured number is the chest circumference.

The length of your outerwear

Measure the length of the shirt from the bottom of your collar to the lowest point of the t-shirt. Here it is best to use a well-fitting shirt that you already have.

Difference in sizes

When choosing a jacket, make sure that it fits over several layers of clothing. This means that a jacket size M will have a larger chest circumference than a t-shirt in the same size.

How do I know my size for work trousers?

We think it is important that the size you order is really the right size. That is why we have added a size chart to the Luzern work trousers.

Measure the hip circumference

  1. Take a measuring tape and place it around your hips where they are widest
  2. Measure while you are relaxed. Expanding or contracting your abdomen can cause incorrect measurements
  3. Pull the measuring tape but not too tight. You should be able to fit a finger between them
  4. Read the distance in centimeters, this is the hip circumference

The correct total leg length

The inseam is the same for every size of work trousers, but the so-called front rise (the part between the waistband and the crotch) increases per size. The total length of this is the leg length. You measure this in the following way:

  • Find someone to help you measure your leg length. Measuring your own leg length is very difficult
  • Lie flat on the floor with your back on the floor and your legs hip-width apart
  • Measure from the hip joint to the ankle. Do this with both legs because there may be a difference in length between the legs

Tip : To really measure your leg length properly, it is useful if someone else helps. By measuring yourself, the measured length could deviate from the real length.

How do I know my safety shoe size?

We think it is important that the size you order is really the right size. That is why we have added a size chart for the different safety shoes.

Measuring your foot length

Measuring your foot length is quite simple. Make sure that when measuring you wear the socks that you also want to wear in the shoe.

  1. Place your foot on a piece of paper
  2. Draw a line at the big toe and the heel
  3. Measure the distance between these two stripes
  4. Do this with both feet, there may be a difference. Use the length of the longest foot

Measuring your foot circumference

You use the foot circumference to determine the width of the shoe. It is also important to wear the sock that you also want to wear in the shoe when measuring.

  1. Place your foot on the floor with the measuring tape under the ball of your foot.
  2. Measure the circumference of your foot at the widest part. This is the bone just under your big toe and the bone just under your little toe
  3. Do not pull the tape too hard, it should lie relaxed around your foot
  4. You now know the width of your foot. Measure both feet because there may be differences

Please note: When measuring your feet, it is important that you stand, otherwise the measurements may differ.


What payment options are there?

We offer to pay via iDEAL, Bancontact and Credit Card. It is not possible to purchase on account.

iDEAL is the payment standard for online purchases and payments in the Netherlands and is trusted, safe and easy.

Bancontact is a payment method that allows our customers in Belgium to pay easily and securely through their own trusted banking environment.

With Mastercard and Visa we offer two of the most used credit cards in the Netherlands and Belgium.

Is my payment safe?

Yes, your payment is safe. iDEAL is the standard for online payments in the Netherlands and Bancontact has this position in Belgium.

With a credit card payment, your purchases are automatically insured against loss, theft and damage.

Payments are processed via ShopifyPayments. Shopify Payment is PCI compliant. ShopifyPayment complies with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS). PCI DSS is an international security standard established by various payment card companies. This standard is intended to protect payment card data and thus prevent misuse of card data.

How long does it take for the payment to be processed?

Your payment will be processed immediately. Once this has been completed, you will receive a confirmation by email and we will start processing your order.


What is Cratex pro line?

Cratex pro line is a new high-end line of work clothing. We want to make professional workwear available to everyone, whether you are an experienced professional, like to do odd jobs in your spare time or if you are renovating your home.

Pro line itself is new, but Cratex has been around for years. This has been Van Cranenbroek's workwear and safety clothing brand since 1968. These years of experience have been included in the development of Cratex pro line, Cratex's high-end clothing line.