Collection: Belts

Keep your pants up with Cratex pro line

A belt is an accessory that is as logical as it is indispensable. With a good belt you can keep your pants up so that you can do your work comfortably without having to worry about your pants falling down. In addition, you also prevent others from looking at your construction worker cleavage. So neat.

Work pants full of tools

In daily life, a belt is often indispensable for keeping your pants up. This is especially true if you are working hard. This is even more true when you're hard at work. You move around a lot, causing your pants to shift frequently. Additionally, good work pants often have many pockets and spaces for tools. This can quickly make the pants heavy, increasing the likelihood of them sagging.

The right work belt

A leather work belt is a traditional and durable option. Combined with a sturdy buckle, the belt lasts a long time. You can easily secure the belt by fitting the buckle into one of the pre-punched holes. An adjustable work belt has the advantage of being adjustable to any desired length.